Time has a habit of accelerating the moment you say ‘go’ on a big project.
That couldn’t be more true of the past month and half, from the time when I officially decided to pull the trigger on releasing ‘WESTVILLE’ as my first ever serial.
Case and point:
September — Flew right out the window
October — Well on it’s way out said window
November and December — Warming up like an olympic hurdler to bound out and possibly shatter this window at the first possible moment.
But, I couldn’t be more excited to share this thing with you all.
The further I’ve gotten along, the more it feels like the perfect confluence of the genres and stories I love, and being set in a fictional version of my hometown I still live in and love, I’ve sort of been ‘worldbuilding’ for this one my whole life.
Here’s what to expect coming into LAUNCH WEEK…
Episodes available Friday at midnight.
Episodes available every Friday at midnight INCLUDING companion Spotify playlists and special audio content.
Occasional episode extras, featuring in-world maps, images and exclusive chapter intros.
IV drips throughout the week of correspondence from the Dimensional Containment Bureau and articles hot off the presses of the Westville Ledger.
Additionally, [CONTENT REDACTED] available.
In one week, Westville welcomes you.
- The Author