Launching ‘Westville’, my first ever serial and my first widely promoted self-published work, has proven to be far more bittersweet than I could have imagined.
Three days ago, my dad was admitted into Hospice. We’ve been on a cancer journey for 10 months, with some stark, steep, dark and bright peaks and valleys.
Even as I hit ‘send’ on the Episode 1 of Westville, I was sitting by my dad’s side, having just administered the morphine and anti-anxiety meds that are keeping him comfortable.
The thing about my Dad is, he was always so proud of me and was never afraid to show it. Never withheld an ‘I love you.’ Always encouraging of and excited for whatever endeavor I undertook.
Today would be no different, if things were different for him.
Westville is based on the town I grew up in and still live in. A town my Dad grew up in and lived in his whole life long, where he was well known as a musician, great man, friend, and community member.
As I was writing the early chapters, Casey Benson’s middle named, I learned / decided (as it often goes with writing) is Alan. My dad’s middle name.
His father who will show up later in the story is Dave Benson, (sharing a first name with my dad) a hard working well known member of the Westville community who once worked three jobs to make ends meet.
Just like my dad.
This project has the DNA and fingerprints of my childhood, lived life and upbringing all over it, all things my father has had the best kind of positive influence on. Not everyone can say that. And I am grateful.
I’m grateful to you too, for taking this journey with me.
The ongoing narrative of Westville is dedicated to my Dad, David Alan Jones, for believing in me and never once stopping.
Read on.
Dive into Westville right here: Season 1